Friday, May 18, 2018

balance payment

  • Balance of payments
    • A measure of money inflows as well as outflows in the U.S. and the world.
  • Three Accounts
    • Current Account:
      • Net Exports
        • Exports give credit
        • Imports give debit
      • Net Foreign Income
        • Income that is earned by foreign assets.
      • Net Transfers
        • Foreign aid
    • Capital Account:
      • This is the balance of capital ownership.
      • Investments in the U.S.
      • Purchase of financial assets by the foreigners.
    • Official Reserves:
      • Foreign currency holdings given by the Federal Reserve System.
  • Balance of Goods and Services
    • Goods exports +|- services exports - (goods imports + service imports)
  • Balance on Current account
    • Balance of good= services + net investment + net transfers.
  • Official Reserves
    • Current account  + Capital Account = 0

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