Friday, May 18, 2018

Phillip's curve

Image result for phillips curve
  • Phillips Curve
    • There is an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment. Each point on the Phillip's Curve corresponds to a different level of output.
  • Long Run
    • Occurs at the natural rate of unemployment.
    • It is represented by a vertical line.
  • LRPC
    • Long Run Phillips Curve will only shift if the LRAS shifts.
  • Unemployment
    • NRU is equal to frictional, seasonal, and structural unemployment.
  • Short Run
    • Since wages are sticky, inflation changes move the point on the SRPC.
      • If inflation persists, then the entire SRPC moves up.
  • Stagflation
    • Unemployment and inflation simultaneously rise.
  • Supply Shocks
    • Rapid and significant increases in resource cost.
    • If inflation expectations drop due to new technology or efficiency, then the SRPC will move downward.
  • Misery Index
    • Combination of inflation and unemployment in any given year.

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