Sunday, February 4, 2018

factors of production

There are four factors of productions 
  • Land 
  • Labor 
  • Entrepreneurship 
  • Capital 
-  Land 
  • Natural resources 
- Labor 
  • Work exerted 
- Entrepreneurship  
  • Risk taker and innovative 
- Capital 
  • Human- knowledge and skill a worker gains through education, experiences 
  • Physical- human made objects used to create other goods/ services 
Opportunity cost- the next best alternative that you must give up in order to get something (a form of trade off) 
Law of increasing opportunity cost-  as you produce more of one good, the opportunity cost (the far-going production of another good) will increase 
Efficiency: using resources in such a way to maximize the production of goods or services (profit increase) 
trade offs- most preferred possible alternatives
Productions Possibility Curve:
This graph shows alternative ways to use an economy's resources.

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