Wednesday, February 28, 2018

unit 2: inflation

General rise in the price level
-reduce the purchasing power of money

Amount of goods and services that money buys.

Three causes

1.government Printing too much money.
( hyper inflation- govt that keeps printing money to pay debt)
2.Demand-Pull inflation : too many dollars chasing too few goods
pull up prices
3.Cost-Push inflation: higher production cost increase in prices

Ideal Inflation
Ideal inflation rate is from 2% to 3%.

Inflation Formula

Current Year Price Index - Previous Year Price Index
___________________________________________ * 100
Previous Year Price Index

A decline in the general price level.

Real Interest Rate
Amount of money that is borrowed.
Percent increase in purchasing power that a borrower pays to the lender (adjusted for inflation)

=Nominal Interest Rate - Expected inflation

Nominal Interest Rate
The percent increase in money that the borrower pays back to the lender not adjusting for inflation.

unexpected inflation
Hurt by Inflation

  • Lenders- People who lend money (at fixed interest rates)
  • People with fixed incomes
  • Savers

Helped by Inflation

  • Borrowers- People who borrow money
  • A business where the price of the product increases faster than the price of resources.

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