Sunday, April 1, 2018

UNIT 3: Aggregate Demand Curve

Aggregate Demand Curve

Image result for aggregate demand curve
  1. AD is the demand by consumers, businesses, government, and foreign nations
  2. changes in price level causes a move along the curve not the shift of the curve
  3. shows the amount of real GDP that the private, public and foreign sector collectively desire to purchase at each possible price level
  4. relationship between price level and level of real GDP is inverse
why AD is downward sloping
wealth effect, interest rate effect, foreign trade effect

Four Determinants:

  • Change in Consumer Spending
    • Consumer Wealth 
    • Consumer Expectations 
    • Household Indebtedness 
    • Taxes 

  • Change in Investment Spending
    • Real Interest Rate
    • Future Business Expectations
    • Productivity and Technology
    • Business Taxes 
  • Change in Government Spending:
    • More; AD shifts right
    • Less; AD shifts left
  • Change in Net Exports
    • Exchange Rates
    • National Income Compared to Abroad

AD Formula:

Government Spending:
More Government Spending= Increase in AD = Rightward Shift
Less Government Spending = Decrease in AD = Leftward Shift

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