Sunday, April 1, 2018

Fiscal Policy

fiscal policy 
-changes in the expenditures or tax revenues of the federal government

  • 2 tools of fiscal policy 
    • taxes- government can increase or decrease taxes
    • spending- government can increase or decrease spending
fiscal policies is enacted to promote our nation's economic goal: full employment, price stability, economic growth

[ deficits, surpluses, and debt] 

  • balanced budget
    • revenues= expenditures
  • budget deficit
    • revenues < expenditures
  • budget surplus
    • revenues > expenditures
  • government debt 
    • sum of all deficits- sum or all surplus

government must borrow money when it runs a budget deficit
  • borrows from
    • individuals
    • corporations
    • financial institutions
    • foreign entities or government

  • discretionary fiscal policy (actions)
  • expansionary fiscal policy- think deficit
  • contractionary fiscal policy- think surplus
  • non- discretionary fiscal policy ( no action)


  1. Let it be noted that contractionary fiscal policy is designed to decrease aggregate demand and is a strategy for controlling inflation. On the other hand, expansionary fiscal policy is designed to increase aggregate demand and is a strategy for increasing GDP, combating a recession, and reducing unemployment.

  2. Very nicely organized! In addition to your notes, I suggest including the fact that the government controls fiscal policy (Congress and the President), as well as how discretionary fiscal policy is increasing/decreasing government spending and/or taxes in order to return the economy to full employment, whereas automatic fiscal policy deals with policies that help mitigate the effects of recession and inflation (such as unemployment compensation & marginal tax rates).


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