Sunday, April 1, 2018

Aggregate Supply

aggregate supply curve

Image result for aggregate supply curve
Aggregate supply long run VS short run

  • the level of real GDP ( GDPr) that firms will produce at each price level ( PL) 
long run: period of time where input prices are completely flexible and adjust to changes in the price level
- in the long run, the level of real GDP supplied is independent of the price level

short run: period of time where input prices are sticky and do not adjust to the changes in the price level
- in the short run, the level of real GDP supplied is directly related to the price level

Long run aggregate supply ( LRAS) 
  • the long run aggregate supply or the LRAS marks the level of full employment in the economy ( analogous to the PPC) 
Short run aggregate supply (SRAS) 
  • because input prices are sticky in the short run, the SRAS is upward slopping
  • an increase in SRAS is seen as a shift to the right
  • a decrease in SRAS is seen as a shift to the left
Formula -> Total input cost/ total output

determinants of SRAS

  • 1. Input Prices
Cost of Capital
Raw Materials

  • Foreign Resource Prices
Market Power
Monopolies and cartels that control resources control the price of those resources.
Increase in Resource Prices = SRAS <----
Decrease in Resource Prices = SRAS ---->
  • 2. Productivity = Total Outputs / Total Inputs
More Productivity = Lower unit production cost = SRAS ---->
  • 3. Legal-Institutionoal Environment= Taxes and Subsidies, Taxes on Business
Government regulation creates a cost of compliance = SRAS <----
Deregulation of resources compliance costs = SRAS --->

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